What Started The Online Profit Lab?

I wanted to start The Online Profit Lab to give people a transparent look at what it was like to make money on Etsy in 2024.

I've seen A LOT of content creators telling people that you just need to sell one product for $25 and you will make $4000 a month.

This is not true.

Business takes a lot of hard work and consistency.

Of course, it is possible to make money online but you need strategies in place and you need to make sure your products can get found online by people who want to buy them.

The Online Profit Lab one rule is transparency! I am here to share with you the SEO strategies that I use on both my own stores & my client's stores.

These are techniques that have helped me and my clients to make daily sales on Etsy.

If you'd like to learn more about what I've been up to then check out my page on TikTok where I share regular updates on SEO & how my stores are preforming!

4 Awards Won

I have been privileged to be recognised for my SEO work and over the course of my career I have won 4 awards for my SEO skills. I now implement my award winning techniques to help small and medium sized business owners get found on Google & Etsy!

Etsy Store Owner

If you follow me on TikTok then you will see that I also own my own Etsy stores (if not check me out 💕)! 100% of my products appear on PG1 of Etsy! I am here to share with you the SEO techniques that I use to get my products ranking on PG1 of Etsy and how I make daily sales on my stores!

Passionate About Freedom

I am passionate about creating a life for living and not living to work. This doesn't mean I work any less then someone in a 9-5 and often put in 14 hour + days, as do many business owners. However it does mean I get to set my own hours, work the days I want and can work from any location across the world. Having the freedom to choose is a huge value I hold.


Let's Work Together!